Nobility Wiki


  1. No vandalism or any other methods of purposeful destruction to the wiki. This includes removing relevant information from articles. Accidents will be forgiven. If these accidents are repeated then action will be taken.
  2. Depending on your nationality, you must a certain age to join. For Californians and members living in the European Economic Area (except the U.K.) you must be 16+. For the rest of the world you must be 13+.
  3. Do not take threatening actions or be toxic to other users. Banter is fine but repeated harassment, general toxicity, doxxing, etc. is strictly prohibited.
  4. We understand many people have different opinions in views, but displaying racism, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated on the wiki, and will only be allowed on the discord in civil political or religious arguments in the appropriate channels. This rule also applies for attacking/harassing any user for personal characteristics about themselves, whether be nationality, religion, sexuality, etc. Using slurs will also be punished.
  5. Do not mark articles as Featured if you are not an admin or the owner. Do not give blog posts the News category if you are not an admin or the owner.


While editing a page, you should be sure to only add relevant information to pages. Do not remove any relevant information to a page, although filler and irrelevant information should be removed. If an article has been vandalized contact moderators, do not try to fix the pages yourself as they can be easily reverted.

Creating an Article

The best way to create a new article is to mimic other pages. For example, if you want to create a page about a noble house, look at other pages about noble houses and try to keep the layout similar. To create an infobox in the source editor (which is recommended), go to the template's page, copy the example, paste it into your article, and then customize it to your liking.

Questions and Answers

Q: If a house has multiple coat of arms, which one should I use?

A: Do not use personal coat of arms unless it is relevant to the entire family, try to use the one that is used mostly by the family. If a house has changed their coat of arms over time, create a gallery and provide dates as the labels.

Q: What can I do to start?

A: To start, it is recommended to help edit Work-In-Progress pages, it can help you learn how to create articles and is also very useful!
